Our Vision  is to catalyze community-based organizations on the frontline of maternal care, advocacy, and education for Women of Color in the District of Columbia.

Historical Highlights

We understood the changing landscape:

 We partnered with Community of Hope in 2010 to integrate the birth center into a primary care system establishing the Family Health & Birth Center.

We opened our doors to an innovative model of early child development care with the Edward C. Mazique Parent Child Center in 2014.

We transitioned to a private operating foundation in 2020 to continue our mission through engagement and funding investments to organizations on the frontline of maternal care, advocacy, and education. 

We funded the George Washington University Center of Excellence for Maternal and Child Health to conduct a maternal health community needs assessment in 2022.

We invested in seven organizations in 2023 to reimagine maternal health service models in our targeted communities.

We launched the Developing Families Maternal Health Fund within the Greater Washington Community Foundation to accelerate community-based organizations whose mission is to improve maternal health for Women of Color in the District of Columbia.